how do u write the url for a flash movie that u want to load. basically, when someone presses a button, it loads a movie in that frame. how do i give the url of that movie? c:\somemovie.swf or what?
and after i load it, how do i make it play?
What do you mean?
Do you mean loading a movie into a browser from the internet of from a harddrive? The c:/ in your example is throwing me off. If I were you, I would load a html file into a browser instead of just a swf file - it would look better.
If you want to load a swf movie into an existing, running movie, you would use loadMovie(“url”); otherwise, you would use
[edit]Flash movies will play automatically if you do not tell them otherwise[/edit]
no i think its just movie.swf but you have to have the movie in the same folder so if the movie you are loading into is
c:\My Documents\movie1.swf
then the other movie (the one that you are going to load) has to be.
c:\My Documents\movie2.swf
but you just have to movie2.swf it.
hope this helps
ya that helps but when i did it and then previed it it doesnt play. hmmmmmmmmmm
ahhh…i did exactly what u guys said but when i right click it doesnt on it it says “movie not loaded”
okay now its opening it in a new window and playing, but i want it to open in the current window
don´t know much as but…
try to script this code om the main movie button that calls the movieclip:
loadMovieNum(“your movie”,1);
Option on as window - don’t send.
If you are calling another html page:
GetUrl:“your html page” and in the same window chose the option “Parent” in the as window
hope it helps
hmmmm…now it just plays within the confines of the button
is there a way to position it by y and x?
also, i tried making a transparent movie and making it “the dropzone” but it doesnt play properly within
This will solve all your problems