Load movie

I made a
main site.
There I load a movie in to the main site.
The movie that I loaded Into the main movie.
I have made a link So it load a new movie in the loaded movie in the main.
But here’s the problem It dosn’t do that.

This is what I used the first time

on (release) {

and then in robocon.swf I put this one.

on (release) {

the last link dosn’t work but It is the same

please help

Hi T-O,

Try this for your second link.

on (release) {
      this.ro.loadMovie("temp.swf"); //assumes ro is your empty mc

thank but It dosn’t work

Is the button in your main movie or in your loaded movie robocon.swf?

Is your empty mc in robocon.swf named “ro”?

–link to robo-con.swf
–open in bark
------open robo-con
-------link to temp.swf
-------open in ro

The like to temp dosn’t work

Hi T-O,

I believe I understand how your structure is set up. As long as you have the button to load “temp.swf” and the empty mc “ro” on the robocon timeline the code I gave you should work just fine.

You can not say _root.ro because Flash thinks you are talking to a mc called ro on your main timeline when the “ro” is actually contained in your mc “robocon”.

SO lemmie get this strate

should it be

because just ‘this’ dosn’t work

here are the swf files I am using


Sorry I had to pack a rar file


Unfortunately I don’t have flash here at work. I will have to look at this at home.

*Originally posted by andrthad *
**Unfortunately I don’t have flash here at work. I will have to look at this at home. **


Hi T-O,

I couldn’t really figure out much with just the swf files. I need to see your park.fla and your robocon.fla. You can delete anything you don’t want me to see before sending. This will also help reduce file size.

Have you tryed

on (release) {

without the _root or this.

But like andrthad says it’s hard without the fla cause i can’t quite understand where you have everything placed