I followed the tutorial on loading a movie but I wanted to mask it. I used this scripting from the great tutorial on this site.
but.onPress = function () {
loadMovie(“loaded.swf”, “container”);
container._x =150;
container._y = 20;
This works fine, but I was wondering where is the empty movie clip located? How can I mask it when I can’t see it? What am I doing wrong? Anything anyone can suggest will help greatly. Thanks,
The reason why you can’t see it is because it’s not on the stage, your method of loading creates a empty movieclip with an instance name of “container” each time the button is pressed.
The only other way I can think of that might work is using setMask so do a search for it on the forums.
Thanks for always replying electrongeek. Your wealth of information never ceases to amaze me. I did do a search like you suggested. I found one and it works. But I was also wondering if you or anyone else knows, Is there any other way to import a swf on the stage? I gotta do a lot of different things to it. Not only masking but also setting up a loader bar. This would be a lot easier if it were on the stage. Well, thanks again to electrongeek, and for anyone else that can help.