Loading an external .swf movie on the top level

Hi, I’m pretty new to this forum and I hope I’m asking the question right. Here it goes:

How do I load an external .swf files in order for them always to load on top of the one loaded previously. I’ve tried to put all of them in the same level but the transition is abrubt. I want the transition to be smooth and each .swf file to load on top most level.

If anyone can help me I would be forever indebted. I spent two days searching for it on-line and i can’t find anything.



Well flash automatically loads an external swf over the previous one because flash stacks the level on top of each other. You just have to specify that your external swf goes to a level higher then your previous one.

Hope this helps


Well, you could keep a _global variable of the highest level so far, increment that variable and then load in that level.

pom :cowboy:

Yeah thats a really good idea I don’t think I would have thought of that.
