Loading Dynamic Text from onRelease

[AS]on (release) {
loadVarsText = new loadVars();
loadVarsText.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
trace(“done loading”);
scroller.html = true;
scroller.htmlText = this.textfield;
} else {
trace(“not loaded”);

So there’s my code. I have a button then needs to load some information dynamically into the scroller field through an on (release) event. What am i doing wrong?

scroller.htmlText = this.textfield;

You should point to the external variable being loaded from the text file, not the textfield…

scroller.htmlText = this.ExternalVariableBeingLoadedFromTheTextFile;

And do not crosspost to gain others attention!!

geez calm down man. I cross posted cuz I keep forgetting these are more actionscript related questions. Sorry.

i dont get it h88. i thought the variable for my external file is called “textfield”

Here is an example:

Your textfile content is:


Now to show var1’s value into the textfield, you would say, using the exact code above:

scroller.htmlText = this.var1;

ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh, THANK YOU h88 :slight_smile:


in my text file, the value is “textfield=”

so it looks like…

blah blah blah blah blah…

But its still not showing up in my text field box