Loading Dynamic Text in Dreamweaver Page

Greetings all-- I followed the nice tutorial on scrolling dynamically loaded text, and hit this snag: The text loads fine in Flash when I test the movie. When I place the .swf in a Dreamweaver page, and hit the “play” button in the Properties box, it displays fine. But the text won’t appear (movie loads, just no dynamic text) either when I preview in browser or open it in a browser. Text box and scroll appear, though.

To summarize: Works in Flash. Works in Dreamweaver. Doesn’t work in browser. ??

I’m using MX, and tried in both Firefox 1 and IE 6. Any thoughts?

Also, while I’m at it, is there any way to make the dynamic text source file have “soft return” breaks instead of paragraph breaks? (i.e. single spaced instead of double)

Many thanks,