Loading external swf on multiple levels

Hi anyone,

I’m having trouble loading swf on multiple levels.

I have a container.swf that loads an level2.swf into it. This works fine, but in the level2.swf is a button that suppose to load level3.swf into the container.swf. But I don’t get the button to load the level3.swf.

How do I solve this problem?

— script container.swf

var myMCL:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader ();
var myListener:Object = new Object ();


target_mc._lockroot = true;

myListener.onLoadProgress = function(target_mc:MovieClip, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number) {
	var loaded:Number = Math.round((bytesLoaded/bytesTotal) * 100);

myListener.onLoadInit = function (target_mc:MovieClip) {
	progressBar._visible = false;

myListener.onLoadStart = function (target_mc:MovieClip) {
	progressBar._visible = true;

myMCL.loadClip("FLA/pag/level2.swf", "content");

— end script container.swf

— script button level2.swf

on (release) {
	_root.myMCL.loadClip("FLA/subpage/level3.swf", "content");

— end script button level2.swf

Could anyone please help!
