Loading jpeg gallery


can anyone tell me if there is anything out there i can download, a dynamic flash gallery. So i can load a directory of jpeg images, and scroll through them easily? I would particularly like something where i can see small thumnails and the image opens up, but the box stretches to fit the size of the image… any dynamic loading fla source wud be appreciated, anything is better than doing it manually… thanks

I have a strong feeling you haven’t searched - it’s a very powerful tool in the right hands… :wink:


Be warned; there are 31 pages for you to read - but they’re worth it.


i downloaded your file… but i dont see how it works… i have dropped my own jpeg into the folder, and tried to make a thumbail with reference to pic3.jpeg. can u explain where i need to make the changes…?

also is there nothing out there, where i dont have to make my own thumbail? it will generate automatically? or maybe there is something where i can click buttons wich open the image…

ali_tdk - keep reading the thread - my post was only the starting point in the thread. scotty then took it to greater heights -and then there was a post or two with versions that generate thumbnails on the fly.

They’re there somewhere :wink: