Loading .jpg dynamically

Hi I did the “Loading .jpg dynamically with Flash MX tutorial” and everything works fine. I used it to make a photogallery. The problem is that once I leave the photo section of my site (by clicking a link) and go to the home page (for example) the picture is still in its place. How do I get it to dissapear after I’m done when I switch pages.


you have to either move, hide or unload the MC that holds the pics (photo)

//you can set alpha to zero

//or you can put a blank frame in the photo MC and send it to that:


hope this helps…

or unload the jpg’s when you don’t need them anymore



I used Kax’s method and put the code into each links actionscript.

Is there anyway to make the photo’s fade in and out using this method?

could you be more specific ?? :slight_smile:

load jpg … fade in … fade out … unload jpg ??

I have the photos linked to a button. Is it possible to click the button and make the photo fade in, then when I click a different button for another picture I want the photo on the screen to fade out, and the new photo to fade in.


ok … i think i got it now :slight_smile:

i guess a prototype would be the easier way … give me some time and i’ll see what to do :wink: