Loading lag

I’ve got SWFs that act as the pages of my flash website - whenever I load one of these SWFs into my main movie everything stops until that SWF is fully loaded. This creates a huge lag on the website.

Is there a way to just let this SWF load on its own and not bog down the rest of my movie? I know a lot of websites out there load SWFs for pages and I never see other sites just halt everything until those SWFs are loaded.

Alright, I will give that a try. Thanks.

But I have another question related to the first.

When I load XML documents, or images, or anything, my entire Flash movie lags. Now this is with or without a preloader…just the act of loading files seems to cause the flash movie to lag and wait for the loading to finish. Shouldn’t all of the individual MovieClips just continue while 1 MovieClip loads an XML document, or an image?

I see Flash movies all the time where MovieClips load images and XML documents - everything else on the screen continues functioning normally and the XML document or image just does its thing after its done loading.

The only example I can give of this problem is: http://info.theginsystem.com/websites/axo_tcu/

If you visit that site with a slower connection, wait until the images at the top of the page reload, the movie momentarily stops while Flash loads the new set of images…how do I prevent this lag/pause?