Loading multiple swf at the same time

hi all… look at this page:

choose an artist - check out the preloading at the bottom?

How is this done? Separate swf’s with it’s own preloader in it?

would really appreciate some hints or so…
also posted on actionscript.com but still no help…

I guess nobody knew the answer on this one…

still lost in space

How is this done? Separate swf’s with it’s own preloader in it?

That´s exactly what it is. =)

whoooooooaaa!!! somebody answered!!! thanks Guig0

I made a quick try with a preloader component but that did’t work so I figured I did something wrong.

Thats all I needed to hear

Thanks again



perhaps you want to try one of our tutes about preloader ?

ehh…I’ve done them…was just beeing lazy…but I’ll think I will stick to usual code than components in the future.

thanks for the answer

I’d like to know how they did the prelaoder load graphic i.e. page 1,2,3…etc.

ask Guig0!!!

Hi jazz!

try this fla. if you don´t understand it just ask me :wink:

Cheers :pope: