Loading multiple swf files in main swf

In my main swf I have multiple holder each with corresponding swf file to load in.They all load in at the same time. Problem is the site is darn slow at that time. Any solution on how to preload them at once and use delay to make them appear on screen one at a time like first externswf1 appears then xternswf2 appears,… untill I get all my external swf visible on my main swf. Or is there an other better way to make my page run smooth on load off the contentfiles(extern.swf’s). Any help would be awsome I’m stuck here. Grtz

I would think that throwing them all on at once like that will only result in your problem of speed. I’ve always felt it was better to load anything one at a time as with this tutorial.
Perhaps there are other methods that I’m unaware of that someone else could chime in with?

Hope this helps! :puzzle:


Thx for the reply. My setup(layout) is totally different from the url you gave.
If I would load them In one at a time with delays maybe this would work. I hope. You or somebody else can help me on that script.
When the main file is loaded:
1.first load swffile1 into holder1
2. after a delay off 2000 for example load swffile3 into holder2
3.after a delay off 5000 for example load swffile3 into holder3

Hope somebody can provide me that kind of script. Big thx in advance

Hi there,

Im having a similar problem. I have setup my movie - to load an external swf. Its actually a large video clip - so I have a preloader in the main movie - which preloads the video clip. Right now its set to a button - so when a user clicks the button - the movie begins the preload process.

I want to change this so that - when the page loads initially the preload process begins and then the movie starts playing shortly after.

Anyone know how I could do this?