Loading .swf question

Hi to all and a Happy New Year:)

I am building a full flash site which will load a few external .swf files which have music & equalizer in them. My main movie is running at 24 fps whereas my external music-equalizer swf is saved at 120 fps. When I test my main movie, my external swf’s graphic equalizer run slowly than when it runs alone, although the music plays ok. Any guidance? Thanx:)

I didn’t get to test this out so I’m not sure if it works or not. Place this function on the first frame of your externanl swf.

function playNextFrame() {
setInterval(playNextFrame, 120/120);

I set the intervals to 120 fps as well, hope it helps. =)

Hi and thanx for the guide, I will try it later and see if it work.