I wanted to reduce the filesize of my flash site so it didn’t take forever to load on a 56k modem
I have decided to go down the route of loading each scene only when the user clicks the corresponding link.
I know that I need to use the loadmovie actionscript for this but I REALLY dont know how to!!!
I’ve tried the tutorials but dnt understand, could anyone simplify it.
e.g. if I was going to link a scene called “intro” with a button, to another scene called “main” what would the code be for this???
cheers for any help:cowboy:
June 26, 2003, 12:09am
Use external swf instead of scenes…
June 26, 2003, 11:08am
I have separate swf files in the same folderbut still dont know how to do it.
I need the loadmovie scripting, but dnt know how to do it?:rd:
June 26, 2003, 11:36am
on your button::
[AS]on (release) {
loadMovieNum(“nameOfExternalMovie.swf”, level as a number);
don’t quote the level number - just put in the appropriate digit,
any loaded movie will bump any other content that is allready on the same level number,
higher level numbers will lay over top of content of lower numbered levels, so plan where you want new stuff to show up (_x & _y position)
root level is allways 0
June 26, 2003, 11:41am
Make emptyMovieClips and position there x/y coordinates then use loadMovie.
Its so much easier to work out where you want to load your external swf.
You could also use loadMovieNum.
If you need a detailed explaination of how to use loadMovie with empty movie clips let me know and i’ll track down the thread i wrote about it in a different forum.
June 26, 2003, 9:09pm
*Originally posted by RelandR *
**on your button::
[AS]on (release) {
loadMovieNum(“nameOfExternalMovie.swf”, level as a number);
don’t quote the level number - just put in the appropriate digit,
any loaded movie will bump any other content that is allready on the same level number,
higher level numbers will lay over top of content of lower numbered levels, so plan where you want new stuff to show up (_x & _y position)
root level is allways 0 **
follow this and you will be ok, justr remember to unload your movies accordingly