loadMovie, loadMovieNum, attatchMovie


My site successfully uses ‘attachMovie’ to grab some pages from the library. I use this method so that these key pages are preloaded as they are (loaded before frame 1)

I have now added a page that uses ‘loadMovie’. It’s a big one (119kB) and it has its own preloader. Eerything worked well when I tested it, but the buttons that used attachMovie no longer worked.

Any ideas please ?

Oh, and what is the difference between loadMovie and loadMovieNum ?

Many thanks


loadMovie = load into target
loadMovieNum = load into level

hey Geoff,
probably an addressing issue… could you post your code or attach your FLA? :slight_smile:

and claudio,
you can use loadMovie to load into target (MovieClip) and level. :wink:

Only on expert mode, otherwise flash automatically replace loadMovie for loadMovieNum.

i have no idea. :stuck_out_tongue:

i’ve never used the actions panel on normal mode. :crazy:

Hmmm, i think i am right, ive read that somewhere…:-\


yup… that’s right, i just checked it out. :stuck_out_tongue:

but that doesn’t mean you can’t use loadMovie to load into a level. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, i didnt want to get Geoff confused :stuck_out_tongue:
Oh well, you are right once again (-:

nah… maybe i’m just stubborn. :stuck_out_tongue: :beam:

Thanks for the info

i have solved it, I wasn’t using ‘unloadMovie’. I dodn’t think I had to. I thought that attachMovie and loadMovie were effectively the same in as much as they would load on top of the target host movie.

// my cut down code is:

on (press) {


// this movie (test) would have been loaded into content by a loadMovie action


on (release) {
_root.content.attachMovie(“about”, “content”, 0);

// this movie (about) is the new movie to replace test.swf.


The code works but because I am not very confident and experienced in this, I can’t help feel that there is a “correct” way

What do you think please