Hey, I’m trying to set up a photo album, one swf is the thumbs in a div layer, and the other swf is the full size photos, each full size photo is on a frame, and all I want each thumb to do is a GotoandStop command onto the corresponding frame in the swf with the large photos.
My problem is with what I have set up right now I can only get one button to work, or one thumbnail rather. I can change the thumb nail, but I can’t seem to figure out how to define for each thumb.
Basically Can I set up code for more then one button to be able to communicate at a time, I have no idea how to expand this code.
the code I have in the sender (the thumbs file) is:
sending_lc = new LocalConnection();
_root.bah.thumb2_btn.onRelease = function() {
sending_lc.send("thumb1", "execute_this", "fcOnTheWeb.com");
sending_lc = new LocalConnection();
And the code I have on my receiver file (photo file) is:
receiving_lc = new LocalConnection();
receiving_lc.execute_this = function(new_text) {
any help on how to expand this would be super appreciated!