Locations on a map?

I am getting ready to start a new project that about club located all over the world. I would like to make a map that locations pop-up on dynamically, like on http://www.joshuadavis.com/ , just click on “map” and watch what I mean, thanks.

well this tutorial:

has the rollover stuff when you rollover the circles if thats what you meant :slight_smile:

No, that’s not what i meant…I said how to make locations on the map pop-up. I know I could do it manually, but i’m sure josh davis does it dynamically, just wondering if anyone knows, probably not.


Well… There’s gotta be tons of ways of doing it…

If I were to do it, I’d create an associative array that holds the name of the movieclip, type, tooltip text, and x & y coordinates… Of course, there’s gotta be some appropriate wrapping involved if the data is coming from outside such as XML…

All you gotta do is to create a function that traverses that array one by one and apply the attachMovie() function to the given coordinate… and apply onRollOver handler to newly created movieclips…

It’s not that hard, I think… :rambo:

I don’t get the point of that map though… Is that map supposed to do something with dynamic external data or something??? I’m just curious… =)

just for a fun idea i guess, to show everyone that visits the website , how many clubs are spread out through the world.

Huh??? I don’t quite get it… :frowning:

well sorry, i gave an example link, and explained it, so i dont know how else to tell you

Okay, then… :rambo:

Brainstorming session… :wink:

map that locations pop-up on dynamically
Basically you have locations of club, say, in Indiana in database file format and you want to create a map with it that has some popup window when rolled over that shows some information about the club, right??? What do you mean by dynamically, then??? The location of the club will be more likely static, I think…