I’m looking to create a more effective logo for my web design company 2cubed. Yet i’m completely out right now. I just finished a client design and i’m stuck in the middle of my own site design. I just need a break so i decided to work on this. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
I was thinking to like have the 2 and then cubed vertically next to it.
My suggestion would be, to modify the 2 some how… reason being… it’s sooo simple and so standard it’s wide open for lots of legal issues. Make like a pixel trail or something coming off the 2… break it up some… somethin… just make it a custom 2. The layout isn’t bad though, w/ that cubed on the side like that.
Here’s yet another take on the same idea. Using the 2s and the cubes. Sorry about the copyright text. It’s just that ever since color_loser_pup stole one of prstudios pictures I’ve started to be more careful with things I post up here.
EDIT::ne: lol. Just realised I did 2 squared but you get the idea.:beam: