Just been tryin to think of a logo, i made this in flash ne comments/critism?. kinda looks familair to me lol dunno y though. I hate tryin to think up logos!!
it reminds me of me…
but other than that its okay… it kind of looks abit too rushed… put a bit of time into it get it looking amazing then it’ll be better… and look more like me
Lol and what do u look like then???
im a star…
I like the star, that looks good. The text is the thing that I’m not sure about. Black Arial is a bit plain, maybe something running over the star?
Just a thought, anyway.
i like the star thing - very nice! I think the writing coul do with a different font though, looks dull compared to the star.
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**I like the star, that looks good. The text is the thing that I’m not sure about. Black Arial is a bit plain, maybe something running over the star?
Just a thought, anyway. **
heh, we said virtually the same thing at the same time. - i gotta stop doing this with people!
the orange one and his amazing powers
heh, thanks. My sig does say “fear my evil orange powers of evilness…”
whats ur logo meant to be orange ?? its looks abit like dragon balls??
Er… This may be a shot in the dark, but… Oranges?
aaahhh where do you get all your good ideas from kit…?
lol good point the white things r stalks then, they looked like stars to me, dragons balls are orange balls with stars on them.
Lol go draw a picture with a gun in ur hand meanie :trout:
*Originally posted by Starpromo *
**aaahhh where do you get all your good ideas from kit…? **
I am a genius. :beam:
Ok got 2 stars here which u prefer, i can’t get it to look right with txt
heres star 2
First one. Definitely. Stands out more to my eye.