My New Logo

Please choos one of 5 logos that I made.
Please tell me why. and what to do to make it better.

see the attch. image.


Number 5, the others are weird and shoddy


  • Soul :s:

ditto soul

number 5 is definetely the best and most original… good work =)

If you made it yourself, the standard is pretty different, hmm?

  • Soul :s:

No.5 clean and nice.

Guys i am having trouble with my logo is it okay for a logo just to be 2 letters VA stands for Visual Aid and my website VisualAMP i am not sure though doesnt look very professional.

A logo can have anything you want, lots of logos have letters but in a creative way! :slight_smile:

British Telecom :beam:…

CNN :beam:…

BBC :beam:…

  • Soul :s:

ou see my logo at the minute is just Va next to ech other :confused: i cant think of anything to incoperate them with. :confused: i used to have a tv logo i might go back to using that.

CHEck this one.

is this better ?

You didn’t totally make the first number 5 did you, admit it :bad:

  • Soul :s:

Come one Blast Boy.
This is from a brush set i found at Adobe Studio Exchange. You really shuoldn’t modify it and us it as your logo. I know htey are difficult to come up with when it is for your self but try.

I knew it! Score! :thumb:

  • Soul :s:

wow - that’s certainly not very creative now, is it? :bad:

I was wondering if anyone would drop the bomb on number five.

I can understand how tempting it can can be to co-opt a brush shape, font shape, etc. when doing a logo. They’re **** hard to make well. Just look at how much crap there is out there.

Design ethics and copyright issues aside, here are a few things that work for me when I’m working on a logo project. (I do quite a bit of identity and branding work.)

Start out with a bunch of free association. Just take down words and imagery that pop into your head when you think of the company name or industry area. Blastboy is a good one to work with. What comes to mind when you think of “blast”? Cherry bombs, dynamite. a keg of TNT… You get the idea.

A cute idea came to mind just now…not really a winner, but funny.
A little international symbol-type “boy” with an exploding head.

Don’t use that…really. :smirk:

Once you have some basic imagery to work with, then you can star doodling around with style. The negative illustration style used for the gasmask guy is a great style to work with for identity applications. It prints and scales well and lends itself to black and white use as well as color.

I highly recommend a little, inexpensive book called “the Idea Index”. It’s a pocket sized book that gives you all sorts of visual style examples and typographic treatments that’ll inspire your creativity. Indispensable for someone getting their feet wet in identity design. You can find it on Amazon.

Logo is an abbreviation of the word logogram which is defined as “a symbol representing a phrase, word, or idea”. Simply put, it should abbreviate the thing it represents. While the gasmask illustration looks cool, it doesn’t say “blastboy”. (Maybe a similarly-styled head with some neato, comic book style welding goggles?)

I hope my rambling plants a seed for some inspiration. If you want some more techniques for generating some ideas or a few pointers in the way of refining your concepts for a logo, feel free to email.

Word to your mother.

hey, i am trying to make a logo for a upscale resturaunt that i am associated with…they came up with the name…so don’t make fun of it…or do…i don’t like the name…but here goes

Way to go Stilmulus :thumb:

padawan, I don’t think you should post this in someone elses thread when its meant to be about his work. Just a suggestion :slight_smile: Your logo is not bad, the things that make it look strange are the stretched T and the missing T at the top.

  • Soul :s:

thank you very much stimulus for your words :blush:
I will try to make a better logo. But my “company” is not Blastboy.
its Millad and Millad means burthday in Arabic. What logo should it be then :frowning: a child in a hospital ? :hangover:

What logo should it be then a child in a hospital ?

  • hahaha that would’ve been fun to see as a logo!

Whats that got to do with ‘burthday’?

  • Soul :s:

more importantly what’s ‘burthday’ (sic) got to do with a guy in a gas mask? :-\
