[SIZE=1]copyright, CanadianGuy, 2004[/SIZE]
Sorry 'bout the copyright. I just don’t want anyone to use :lol:X2
[SIZE=1]copyright, canadianguy, 20[/SIZE]04
[SIZE=1]copyright, CanadianGuy, 2004[/SIZE]
Sorry 'bout the copyright. I just don’t want anyone to use :lol:X2
[SIZE=1]copyright, canadianguy, 20[/SIZE]04
LoL… I think he’s gotten enough concepts from ppl… I don’t know that he asked for it to be designed for him. LoL
Thanks everyone. I’m going to work off the concept Flash Gordon told me and i’ll incorporate somethings that DDD said.
P.S. How do you make cubes in Fireworks?
Make an equalateral triangle. and then copy/paste till you have 6. Then arrange them as a regular hexagon (NOTE: this requires a bit of trial and error.) and group them in twos for the sides and top. Once you’ve grouped them you can colour each side. Then after colouring group everything so you can scale it. Voila, a cube. That’s how I do it anyway. There’s probably an easier way but my way’s not that hard.
still needs some major work, thought it might help??
ok i made something based on my current logo.
The basis of my current logo was to put emphasis on the mathematical meaning of 2³. 2³=8
So i made a cube with 8 cubes inside it. This was made in flash with a trusty little exchange install that lets me draw cubes but i’ll make it in fireworks now that i know how to.
Post it up. Let us see!
I hope you’re not making fun of me.:sure:
I think you can see it on his site??
No sorry i had to edit it. It should be up now.
You should make the copyright notice more transparent and the logo bigger. It’s incredibly difficult to see right now.
chenu…I like your concept. The copyright notice is not necessary since you have yet to apply for it and have no rights of first use…lol. But anyway I was just letting you know about my situation because I offered the .ai file. Wasnt trying to be a pecker about it.
And to make an isometric in FW, click the isometric autoshape…lol
isometric autoshape? I’ll check it out when i go back on my windows comp.
Sorry about the copyright thingy i thought someone might steal the design. lol I’ll just make it easier to see and post it back up. Thanks for all the help.
Hehe, nah man, just felt like drawing up something stupid, and then I decided to go with the flow and add the copyright notice, but an ugly oversized one and then a typical “ow I’m so great and you suck noob” sentence
Wasn’t aiming at you or anything
I wasn’t offended or anything, don’t worry. Actually my reply was a joke. Search for ‘add grunginess’ on the forum to see a really funny thread. Trust me.
add grunginess omg that is hilarious.
:lol:X 2
copyright canadianguy, 2004
I apologise chenu if my remarks were out of place but this copyright stuff has been known to get my goat. I mean, seriously, some of the shat I see ‘copyrighted’ around here gives me a sore gut. :lol:
:lol: @ the grunginess thread.
I read the whole thing, and I have to say I kinda agree with CG :beam:
(Although PR has the right to defend his work, but seriously, what’s the harm in letting a 13year old use something you created in 5 minutes? :sigh: )
What reminds me, you can feel free to use my logo!
Just PM me and I’ll remove the copyright!
the only harm is that the 12 yr old kid doesnt learn anything, and that kinda defeats the point of forums
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