Logo help!

Hi people i drew this is flash from a photo (attached) but i can’t seem to formulate an idea for a good logo.

I tried putting it into cirlce which would look cool, but didn’t really work.

I like the sillouette and think it is powerful.

I think the best way would be to make it metallic. I tried to do that i photoshop but it didn’t work, because the image can be pasted from flash, but it not on a transparent background which doesn’t help.


Attachemtn doesn’t work…try this:

export it from flash as a transparent png. then open the .png in photoshop that should give you the transparent bgrd

i can export it as a png sequence or a .png image.

How can i make it’s background transparent?

transparent in flash or transparent in photoshop?

ok cool…now the background is transparent, but how can i get photoshop to select only the image and not the area around it?

use the magic wand tool and select your image. Play with the tolerance setting a lil bit too…make sure it is anti-alias also

after all that the chrome effect didn’t work :-\

Here’s what rubbish i came out with:

Tweak on the settings… Cut down that big ***** bevel…
You can do it ~!!

hey for your chrome you could go to the sticky post up top and find many chrome tuts in there

the problem is that these tutorials are for text.

Does anyone know how to apply the chrome/silver/metallic effect to this image who can help me with it?

Pretttty purlease? :smiley: with sugar on top? :cool:

or even…any ideas what ould make my sillouette into a kicka5s logo?

the same process of selcting the area is the same for your image as it is for the text. I recommend going through a tut of 2 then you can try and throw your own steps in there for your image. I think you can do it. After all that is how you learn

alucard… we’ve been through this… creating a chrome effect for that vector image should be exactly the same as for the lettering… except, instead of typing and then selecting, you just magic wand the shape.