Hi everyone, i’m doing a logo for my friends CS team and this is my start. They are called ex and i tried to do a cross hair showing that. Have you got any ideas what i can do to improve it as it dont look right yet. Also any ideas on how i could incorparate into a splash screen, i.e. what effect on background would look nice. I am using flash mx but could use photoshop if it was a must but i a novice with that program
if its a splash BIGGER. if its a logo SIMPLER. simple as that. i would jsut the the X and the E as a crosshair and leave out the guy tbh because the guys make it so that if you blew it up (in size) it would look pixely annd what not.
for a splash it looks good but like i said bigger.
For a logo you could lose the outer circle and the image in the background and just have the e in the middle of an X, emphasise on some cool typography, maybe add some metallic effect in photoshop if u want.
*Originally posted by Lunar_4u *
**ive added a shadow and took off the gradient fill. Does that look any better? Has anyone else got any advice pleaseeeee **
It looks a lot better ! I like it :thumb: ! Whatever you do, don’t bring the black square at the background back !