lol, whats wrong with me i’m trying to put a url link on a mc.
its in a mc, heres what i have.
on (press) {
getURL("", _parent);
so the mc isnt on the root stage, its in a mc. and in the mc is anoher mc which has this code on it.
but it wont work. when i press the mc, nothing happens. help
(by the way, this swf is externaly loaded into another swf. but it wont work either way.
might it be something to do with the fact that the mc which this mc is in, is on the root stage, and has on(rollOver) and on(rollOut) actionscript on it?
so you roll over the mc1, and this mc2 (the one with the getURL code on) apears, and then you press on the mc2 to open a new window with the url.
That explains. You already have a rollOver and rollOut applied on the mc which it’s in. Because of that, the onPress of the movieclip inside is being ignored. You could use an onEnterFrame handler and hitTest to replace the onRollOver and onRollOut on the movieclip this one is in.
*Originally posted by cartoonfox *
so you roll over the mc1, and this mc2 (the one with the getURL code on) apears, and then you press on the mc2 to open a new window with the url.
those are the instancenames of your mc’s:)
Have a look at the attachment.