Lol, yet more simple actionscript problems

lol, whats wrong with me :smiley: i’m trying to put a url link on a mc.

its in a mc, heres what i have.

on (press) {
	getURL("", _parent);

so the mc isnt on the root stage, its in a mc. and in the mc is anoher mc which has this code on it.

but it wont work. when i press the mc, nothing happens. help
(by the way, this swf is externaly loaded into another swf. but it wont work either way.

thanks :kir:

my suggestion is put an instance name on the button and target it ie:

 _root.mc1.mc2.buttoninstance.on (press) {
        getURL("", _parent);

could work but i really have to see your files in order to figure it out :-\

hi, thanks.

well, i cant use _root, as this swf is gonna be externaly loaded into another, but i can use _parent, right?

i’ll try that code, but can anyone tell me the code for using the onEnterFrame handler and hitTest that Voetsjoeba was talking about?

thanks :kir: