Look at this great site

OMG my Flash Teacher is sucks. Come here to see are brand new website. Seriously he will not let me make a website for our school because he thinks the file size is too big even thoguht my swf is like 56 kb’s (without adding sound). He’s my teacher yet he knows nothing about flash mx. Noy even how to do a @#$#ing motion tween. Well come here and make **** of his site please.


He’s been teaching web deisgn and multimedia for 2 years…

Your teacher has the same style of web designing as Alex. haha =)

If you look, it gives you the phone number for the girls Gym!

How cool is that :flower:

That site makes me sad :frowning:

You know whats sadder?

When I did the site for my high school, I got approximately 5 to 10 minutes of design time a day, then 45 minutes of running around the school to get information because I had to start the site from total scratch and it was up to me to get the info. Then I got about 5 to 10 minutes to add the extra info I got into the site.

This was daily. It was definitely not enough time to build a good site, and the site blew chunks… literally. BUT IT IS STILL BETTER THAN THAT ONE!!! He is a professional? PAHLEASE!!!

BTW — If you want to compare for yourself, the school site I did last year can be found here…


lol it was soo funny the look on his face today. He thinks i am a genius for telling him that all he had to do was to get the .htm page and change it to the old page name and it would show up when people type the url in. i think he was blushing


Man… how can someone like this slip through the cracks.

If I can design better than him you know thats a bad sign :stuck_out_tongue: Especially when he is a professor in that area!! FOR 2 YEARS!!

lol… man im in high school. Hes a teacher. But still thats pretty sad. He knows absolutly nothing. that whole site is actually just a tutorial that he bought and said it was his. He changed it a little in all the wrong directions… but i didnt want to say anything because i didnt want him to blush again. (really weird lookin’)

Professor and teacher are the same thing :wink:

He had to graduate college to be able to teach in that area.

How did they let that happen!?!?!

I know… Fox ( my teachers name) got a masters in Phsycology, but hes a algebra 1 and multimedia design teacher. Where does Phsycology come into the picture, and why did my $#@$ing school hire such a tard…

My school has a Desktop Publishing class.

Then they decided “Oh, lets make a class called Animation!”

Well they took the desktop publishing teacher, put her in a class full of iMacs (good for animation) and NO ANIMATION SOFTWARE! (bad for animation) and told her to teach animation. 1)It is not her area and 2)WITH WHAT?!

Needless to say, that is the class I got stuck with doing the school website in. I was her only student that knew HTML.

Moral of the story: Sometimes you should wonder about the people who run schools.

HAHAHAHAHA thats worse than my class. We had Flash MX when we started. My. older teahcer ( Nort) used to bring his X box to class so he could play while i helped people out. I guess Nort turned into a network admin and took off for more money. Now we have Fox. Who thinks he is really smart but in real life is is just a big dumb animal. Its soo funny when i asked him how he made that site jsut to chear him up. He said "Its probably way above your head. Have you heard of a program called fireworks. Way more advanced than PS 7. " From then on I lost all respect for that *** of dumbness…

LOL. Fireworks can do different things than Photoshop yes… but it is things that Photoshop WAS NOT MEANT TO DO!!!

Fireworks is mostly vector, where Photoshop is Raster.

Both are great programs.

Your teacher sounds like a dick. Sounds kinda condescending when someone says “Oh well it is probably way over your head” it is like saying “Oh, why should I waste my time because your too stupid to understand”. Ignorance is bliss. I say you show that teacher up for all your worth.

But be careful, certain teachers hate that and give you bad grades for it. I showed a few of my teachers up and got As for it :stuck_out_tongue: It rocked.