Look what I just did

why do i get the feeling ive just upset all blondes? Im sorry, i like blonde, really i do!

now let’s not start throwing blonde-jokes at each other! :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**And what’s wrong with dyeing your hair? Mine’s dyed brown at the moment. Has been red before as well… :stuck_out_tongue: **

I wasn’t saying there was anything wrong with it!

Mine’s dyed brunette at the moment, but has been blonde, red, pink, blue, and purple at times

wow bluegel, you ust go through a lot of hair products. Is that where you got your name from?:slight_smile:

i dont wanna be blonde.

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**wow bluegel, you ust go through a lot of hair products. Is that where you got your name from?:slight_smile: **


I’ve been dying my hair since I was 15 though, so haven’t used that many.

Oh and no, the name doesn’t come from there

It’s intresting to see how people react differently to you though, depending on the colour of your hair.

Blondes tend to get a lot more… er… comments. :smirk:

wheres the name from then? Tell you what, you tell me your name story and i will tell you mine…

I dont get any comments. maybe because Im a boy. but i 've got the blonde hair blue eyes thing going on.

Blondes tend to get a lot more… er… comments.


Kitiara carefully said:
Blondes tend to get a lot more… er… comments. :smirk: **

i love the politeness :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Starpromo *
**sunburn? **

i assume that was aimed at me. very funny :slight_smile:

it wasnt actually…

im not sure how it could of been… please explain

if you wanna know where the name is from, why dont you start a new thread - just as it would be interesting to see other people’s name and reasons behind them

*Originally posted by Starpromo *
**it wasnt actually…

im not sure how it could of been… please explain **

orange one??

cant see why you wouldnt get it

ah right… yeah that is pretty funny…

but no i wasnt initially aimed at you… although now it is :stuck_out_tongue:

*bluegel made a good suggestion *
**if you wanna know where the name is from, why dont you start a new thread - just as it would be interesting to see other people’s name and reasons behind them **

ok i will. Go here
