how many pictures did u take in total for the spinning car?
looks like easy… over 100. =)
i love stop motion , so great. Majeye, you’ve inspired me =)
hehe =)
maybe i should make one someday…i think i will…!..NOW!..i’ll share asap…
IamMontoya: IamNotMagician haha
Though, I am fascinated by sleight of hand tricks, my magician skills are non-existent.
Maxtr0sity: i used 32 frames for the second one, and something like 24 for the first one.
Raydred: Glad to have inspired you! I’ve been inspired countless times by members of the Kirupa Forum! I would really like to see other peoples attempts at digital stop motion animation. It really is simplified when you have a digital camera, Photoshop and Flash.
get ready to be amazzed…:)…i just took 82 pictures…
Very cool Majeye! I love it!
What exactly did you use ActionScrip for? Is PhotoShop resizing and putting the pics in a Flah layer not enough?
Again, very well done! :thumb:
sweeet dude! I wanna make one now! searches for plasticine
How about a stop-frame animation battle? Im up for it! Anyone else?
*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**sweeet dude! I wanna make one now! searches for plasticine
How about a stop-frame animation battle? Im up for it! Anyone else? **
as long as you can provide me with a digital camera… sure
Kajinku: The AS i refered to was simple preloader stuff, and in the case of the first one, the mouseover effect. I know very little when it comes to AS…
heh, if i had the money to buy and send you one, i would :beam:
unfortunatly, i dont. sory dude! you got a friend who can lend you one?
oooh! now that you mention… I do possibly! thanks for reminding me!
(my camera’s in the post right? ;))
heh, yeah cameras in the post. Its a special one, completly invisible! maybe i should post in the battle forum about this/
(PS: Majeye, you are a stopframe-in-flash god :beam: )
I don’t know about ‘stopframe-in-flash god’… perhaps merely being a lowly overlord would suffice haha
seriously people, this was the easiest thing to do, and if a person is able to sign onto the Kirupa Forums, then i believe that they are also capable of creating things much greater than what i have done!
heres a hint for beginners: start by using a tripod…
mental note get a tripod
Thanks! good idea.
oh, I’ve got one of those, you only need to send the camera Orange
it already on its way! Is the tripod invisible? they may not be compatible if it isn’t…
The Orange One: go to this link. Wait for the flash to load.
lolol! /me watches TheOrangeOne orgasm
*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**it already on its way! Is the tripod invisible? they may not be compatible if it isn’t… **
cool! I Should try that too whenever I get a webcam or sth!