Look what I made!

how many pictures did u take in total for the spinning car?

looks like easy… over 100. =)

i love stop motion , so great. Majeye, you’ve inspired me =)
hehe =)

maybe i should make one someday…i think i will…!..NOW!..i’ll share asap…:slight_smile:

IamMontoya: IamNotMagician haha :stuck_out_tongue:

Though, I am fascinated by sleight of hand tricks, my magician skills are non-existent.

Maxtr0sity: i used 32 frames for the second one, and something like 24 for the first one.

Raydred: Glad to have inspired you! I’ve been inspired countless times by members of the Kirupa Forum! I would really like to see other peoples attempts at digital stop motion animation. It really is simplified when you have a digital camera, Photoshop and Flash.

get ready to be amazzed…:)…i just took 82 pictures…

Very cool Majeye! I love it! :slight_smile:
What exactly did you use ActionScrip for? Is PhotoShop resizing and putting the pics in a Flah layer not enough?

Again, very well done! :thumb:

sweeet dude! I wanna make one now! searches for plasticine

How about a stop-frame animation battle? Im up for it! Anyone else?

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**sweeet dude! I wanna make one now! searches for plasticine

How about a stop-frame animation battle? Im up for it! Anyone else? **
as long as you can provide me with a digital camera… sure :wink:

Kajinku: The AS i refered to was simple preloader stuff, and in the case of the first one, the mouseover effect. I know very little when it comes to AS…

heh, if i had the money to buy and send you one, i would :beam:

unfortunatly, i dont. sory dude! you got a friend who can lend you one?

oooh! now that you mention… I do possibly! thanks for reminding me!
(my camera’s in the post right? ;))

heh, yeah cameras in the post. Its a special one, completly invisible! maybe i should post in the battle forum about this/

(PS: Majeye, you are a stopframe-in-flash god :beam: )

I don’t know about ‘stopframe-in-flash god’… perhaps merely being a lowly overlord would suffice haha

seriously people, this was the easiest thing to do, and if a person is able to sign onto the Kirupa Forums, then i believe that they are also capable of creating things much greater than what i have done!

heres a hint for beginners: start by using a tripod… :stuck_out_tongue:

mental note get a tripod

Thanks! good idea.

oh, I’ve got one of those, you only need to send the camera Orange :wink:

it already on its way! Is the tripod invisible? they may not be compatible if it isn’t… :wink:

The Orange One: go to this link. Wait for the flash to load.


lolol! /me watches TheOrangeOne orgasm :wink:

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**it already on its way! Is the tripod invisible? they may not be compatible if it isn’t… **


cool! I Should try that too whenever I get a webcam or sth!