i used a digital camera, shot a pic, moved the car, shot another, and then brought them all into PS for resizing then, put them all in flash, and added some AS.
nice stop motion animation there! =)
looks great! =)
i remember doing that in High school ( i did a few Stop motion animatiion as projects with only a cam corder and a vcr. lol talk about difficult.
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**I’ve seen some done with little Lego people, they worked really well. **
as opposed to huuuuuuuuge monsterous lego people that are capable of destroy cities, of course
Here is another venture into Stop Motion. This is fun, and with a Digital Camera, Photoshop Actions, and Flash Sequential Importing, it really cuts down on the time it takes to produce something like this… thanks for all the comments…