Looking for BIG help with a Flash project

I’m pretty new to programming(as in, I started Wednesday), and I’m trying to make a Flash game. So far, I’m pretty happy with the way I’ve got my program to run, but then I came to hit testing.

Now, I try not to post on Forums and stuff if there are tutorials and things out there, but when it comes to hit testing, I am really at a loss. Not only do I not know the syntax for even getting it to work (trying to hit test on a movie clip inside another movie clip), but I don’t even know if the way I’m trying to make it work is an even remotely efficient way to do it.

One look at my code will tell you that I don’t understand the basics of Actionscript 3. So, I am fully prepared to rewrite everything in a manner that is more efficient or cleaner. I’m not afraid of a little work. I’m just saying, if you come out of the gate telling me about defining classes, and dealing with my objects, I’ll probably get a little lost.
What I’m asking you guys for is a little help on how to do what I want to do.
Basically, how should I set up the hit testing for this particular project? (link).
Going further, am I even doing things, in general, correctly? Is there a more efficient, or more long-term-friendly way?
And, later on, I’d like to optimize the program so that it runs based on some sort of timer, instead of a Flash’s framerate. Should I begin setting that up now, and how would I go about that?

Anyway, I want to thank you guys in advance for your help. So far, the Kirupa site, as well as these forums, haven’t let me down, so I’m really excited to hear your thoughts!

