Looking for dedicated artist for epic shmup

Title says it all. I’m looking for a creative artist for an epic shooter, and not an epic fail one at that. Right now the programming is all set, and you have nothing to worry about for having a capable programmer. I am in the stage of needing a story and graphics. I want to keep the team as small as possible, because I think a smaller team is easier to work with, so I will be choosing only 1 artist. You must be able to create good art, give creative feedback + help me work on the story, and be dedicated to the project, to finishing it, no matter what it takes, and to be able to stand through all of the critical feedback I give to make this game an epic success. Payment is negotiable, but since your position is a very big part of the project, and the team is small, I’m sure the payment will be very significant.

If you want to apply, send an email to jonathanasdf@hotmail.com, with whatever you want to say, + a sample of your work, + any 3 questions you want to ask me about the project, and I will reply to those 3 questions to the best of my abilities. The reason for the 3 questions is: I need to make sure that we can work well together, because I don’t want to switch between artists midway through the project. These 3 questions can tell me about your personality, as well as how you communicate, etc, and my reply may tell you something about me, or about the project, depending on what questions you ask, and can help you evaluate me as well.

When I finally choose a person I will tell them what the project is so far and what I would like it to be in the future. You have to swear that if you are chosen you will definitely work hard to finish the project, and that you won’t quit in the middle. Payment can be negotiated then.

So, remember: if you want to apply send email to jonathanasdf@hotmail.com.