Looking for PS tutorial

i found this tutorial about how to make a pic look drawn.
The example pic was a Car. a Wolksvagen beatle i think. I can’t remember where i saw it. if someone knows what im talking about please tell me…

no one??
i think the style has something to do with Vector art, shapes, whatever. It might be called digital coloring.
maybe i get some answers now!

There’s a bunch of ways.

You can get this effect with vector art (plus a lot of patience ;)) or with digital colouring (plus a lot of skill ;)) or in PS.

What sort of effect do you want exactly?
Do you want it to be b/w? colour? sketched look?

i want it colored. if I could just find a pic of the “style” of the image you would know what im talking about.

there’s a bunch of ways actually…but I cant rememebr right now.

You could find plenty of actions that do these at Adobe Studio

tequ1la, is this the tutorial you’re looking for?


electrongeek: thanx man!
that’s the one!
i searched heathrowe a bunch of times, but didn’t find it…
thanx a bundle anyway!

I would not do this in ps. Illustrator or a true vector app would be better. But just ignore me I was just putting my nose in here.

**** e-geek…seriously man…how in the hell do you remember all of these urls. You are the human tut finder!!!

Yeah i know that…
but im not as experienced in Illustrator as i am in PS…

btw, haha

DDD, my brain runs on the Google search engine. :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**DDD, my brain runs on the Google search engine. :stuck_out_tongue: **

I bet you are man! :thumb:

i think that illustrator would be easier to draw it out, but when it comes to colouring photoshop would be better.