Greetings Flash enthusiasts,
I’m a flash newbie, coming along pretty well with the flash tutorials at the moment, but I seem to have a slight problem with looping. I have created my own animation with tweening, masks and a few shapes, and half way through the animation I need some dynamic text to appear (loaded from a text file). Now I’ve done all this, but when I get to the end of the scene, it repeats (as it should) but I then loose the text (as it isn’t there when you start the movie). So now my question is, how do I loop my animation while keeping my text there? Should I use another scene (which would contain everything in the first scene) or is it possible for me to set where the looping should start (ie the movie will start as normal, but when it loops, it doesn’t go to the start point, but rather to say, frame 15 where my text appears…?)
Many Thanks for your help in advance,
– Garatheus –
Okay, so I went to the last frame, then added the Action -> Movie Control -> goto (function gotoAndPlay(22) which, if I understand the function correctly, is supposed to go back to frame 22 and play from there on (hence fixing my problem). However, it’s not doing this… Any suggestions / ulterior ideas?