Lost beauty

please check…let me know what you think.


What to check ?

I’m pretty sure it’s this website:


First off, there is no consistency in the overall layout, in fact there is no layout actually. The content shifts around too much, try using tables to align your content up so it will looke more organized. Try keeping your content closer together too because they’re too scattered apart right now and you have a lot of negative space.

Also the text in the flash movie is a bit hard to read since it’s so light.

I’m not trying to be mean, just giving you my honest opinion hoping it would be useful to you and help you. =)

the font is a bit ethereal in the openeing flash graphic (read: sort of hard to read) but i like your font choices in the stylesheet

i like the white space, but then that’s just me

heavy duty stuff . . . i think it’s fine and that you did a good treatment of “when I was 12”

good luck with your future work (your photography is great)

Cool. Thanks for the feedback.

I don’t quite understand where you are coming from though electrongeek, with regard to the layout. The only thing that moves according to content is the sub-header graphics. Is that what you mean? Do you think the header-graphics should stay static? (This is a result of trying to keep the header-content relationship the same regardless of screen-size, as the site scales to the intended design at any resolution.)

I also am a bit at a loss about the consistency of layout issue you raise. Every sub-page has the same navigation and the same layout. Am I missing your point? Please don’t take this the wrong way, I just am having a hard time understanding the issues you raised.

Anyway, thanks. Anyone else have comments?

It needs work

When I mentioned the consistency issue, I was referring to your content in each section. I noticed that it was layed out a bit different in each section.

If you click on “Lost beauty” and “Keep in touch” they totally looked different as in how they’re layed out. I like how the “photography” and “photo” section are more similar as in how they’re layed out. If you did that to the rest of the other sections then things would look more consistent and not shift around.

As for the header, I think it’s fine where it is, thats about the only thing that remains consistent throughout your layout.

Hey there!!

I really like that “when i was 12”, its really nice and deep!!


*Originally posted by ask *
**It needs work **

ask, “the minimalist”…lol

I agree tho. I agree w/ Egeek too. The content and layout of the overall site should be consistent throughout. I feel that the main graphic should stay in one place. On the main page there is the flash on the bottom, and then when you click featured artist the main graphic moves to the top. It makes everything too busy on the eye. The main graphic should stay the same size and in roughly the same spot from page to page…

Very nice. When I was 12 was very nice too.

The navigation was hard to follow. Kind of nice but kind of a mess.

Thanks all. I am gonna lock the page height to solve the problem of the graphics floating and start redesigning the entire thing. Screw it, I can make a better one! (I hope)