Mail-thief sentenced to 100 hours of public humiliation

February 26, 2003 (San Francisco) — He’s got mail – your mail.
A federal judge in San Francisco has sentenced confessed mail-thief Shawn Gementera to some public humiliation. He must stand outside a post office wearing a sign that reads: “I have stolen mail. This is my punishment.” He’s got to do it for a total of 100 hours.

Gementera must also serve two months in prison as part of a plea deal. The judge in the case says the sentence should drive home the point that stealing mail is wrong.

eeheheheee… dumb crackpot :crazy:

mmm… simpsons…

Gotta love San Francisco…


funny judge… :stuck_out_tongue:

see phil? i told you that this is wrong :wink:

Rev…that avatar of your really scares the crap out of me.

It looks like something from the puppetmaster movies.