Mainpage.swf to replace my intro.swf?

This might be realy simple to you but I just dont get it.. (Im new with Flash…)

So: I have an .swf file (my site intro) and what I`m trying to achieve is that my mainpage .swf would start playing as soon as my intro .swf movie ends. :bu:

I would like my mainpage.swf to replace my intro.swf.


ok, so make four scenes…
1st to load your intro
2nd for play intro
3rd to load mainpage
4th to play mainpage

Thanks for reply! :beam: but… I´ve never used scenes in Flash… :block:
Isn`t there any code that I could use?

yes but your better off following those guidelines because thats how the preloaders work… press Ctrl+U to pop up the scenes window