Hello Everyone,
I have a problem stopping multiple clips.
I have created a presentation using flash and I have many movie clips which have sub movie clips inside of them.
Ok lets look at one movie clip in detail. Inside one _root movie there are multiple sub movies; each with a different movieclip labels (each movie clip is named with unique labels ie. north, south, east, west, and …).
What I need to do is be able to STOP all these sub movie clips with one stop, and in turn PLAY these same movie clip with a second action.
The only way I know how to stop all these sub movie clips is to target each and every one individually.
This is the code I used on the button to stop:
// _root movie clip label is myHoldermovieclip
// sub clips labeled north, south, east, west
//button is located on _root timeline
on (release);
This is the code I used on the button to play:
on (release);
As you can see this is very lengthy, and I need to repeat this type of action to a multitude of _root movie clips (approx. 50 clips).
Is there any way to code the _root movie clip so that all of its sub movie clip will stop together without targeting each?