Need help

Is there a command to select every movie clip at the sime time? Because I want to stop them all.

tellTarget ("_root") {

This doesn’t reach the movie clip that are in others movie clip!

So is there a better solution than

tellTarget ("_root.stupidguy.o.monlkey") {
tellTarget ("") {


ok… on one of the layers… the layer with the most bars, click the last bar and then goto the actions panel >> movie controls >> dble click stop >> a small “a” should appear on last bar…

Attach the .fla and i’ll look at it…

HipHop - that’s not going to stop the movieClips though, that’s just going to stop the movie.

I was going to suggest using a movieClip prototype, but I don’t know if your movieClips are doing the same thing (asctionScript wise), so I thought of something else.

on a button, or on your timeline whever you want your movieClips to stop, add this action:

_root.stopMovieClips = true;

Then on every single movieClip you want stopped, add this:


Thanks it work :slight_smile: