Making a cat blog.

Hey guys!

So the other day, my girlfriend Anna was browsing through the internet when she stumbled across this site. Before I proceed further, I should tell you guys that she is a cat person. I mean, she absolutely loves cats. As of now, she has two adorable kittens.

Personally, I am not much of a cat person but I can’t really help it. I do love her, so I don’t really have a choice here. :smiley:

Anyway, reading that site, Anna has now asked me to design a site for her two cats. It is sort of a blog, but much more exclusive.

Now, I don’t have much experience in this aspect. I don’t even know where to begin, what sort of pictures to put. Argh!

I need help, guys. Tips, suggestions, anything.

Thank you for reading! :slight_smile: And have a good day.

Using that site as an example, wordpress is a good place to start. If you’re technical, otherwise I haven’t used it in years, but I remember it being really easy to set up and have something that acts more like a website and not so much a blog if that’s what you’re going after.

Depending on the type of content she will be posting, tumblr may be a good choice as well.

It is also quite customizable. If a lot of posts will just be images or videos, I tend to prefer tumblr for their treatment of such types of content :smile:

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