Has anybody else here watched this series on Netflix? We just finished watching the two seasons today, and this has to be one of the best documentaries I have seen. It definitely had some moments where I was jumping between and
based on what was happening to the main characters.
My wife has been watching it, I believe. I just don’t enjoy watching TV like I used to with the exception of Stranger Things and Disenchantment. Nature/Astrophysics documentaries fascinate me, so those are the only things able to keep me glued to Netflix.
Haha! Stranger Things is great. I just have a series of documentaries running in the background while I work, but this particular show was an exception.
Anything with Neil deGrasse Tyson has my vote for a good documentary or anything narrated by David Attenborough. At 93 he’s still making it happen!
As of right now, I’m reorganizing my home office and setting up my old game consoles, so a 90s Spotify playlist is taking over for background TV to keep the adrenaline going.
Me too! Well the home office re-org anyway. Perhaps i should add some old game consoles though. What do you have?
I’ve had this strong urge to buy one of those “Nintendo chairs” as we used to call them. Like a rocking C shape
I brought down my original PlayStation, PS2, and Xbox.
I’ve had my SNES and original N64 stolen in a move, but I’ve since replaced the N64.
In total, I’ve got my PlayStaions, NES, N64, GameCube, Xbox One, Switch, miniNES, GameBoy Pocket, GameBoy Color, GameDoy Advanced, GameBoy Advance SP, DS, and 3DS all on display.
If my office were larger, I’d set up some of my old PCs as well.
Thats a pretty good collection. I used to have sega master system, nintendo original, genesis, turbo graphix 16 and a ps1 with soldered in mod chip to play burned games we would rent and copy. It all got thrown away in too sadly. The master system was my favorite.
Ah, I forgot an Atari was lost in a move as well.
My parents sold the Amega I first learned to use when I just a baby, but looking at grabbing another to replace it.
I’ve seen it, it’s great!