Managerial Ignorance

When I first came out of design school, I had a similar experience, only it was the CEO’s sister…

I did David’s advice, wrote a letter…

To make a long story short, I no longer work there, and this is what they have: .

I guess the bottom line to my story is, be careful who you complain to…



What you are working with could be worse Kit.

Check this out…

it should make you feel a little better about your situation…

this is a past entry from that site:



its going to take me a few weeks to recover from this one! ahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahdhsdhahhahahaha ahaha ahahahahhaaaaaa ahahahaaaaa

it doesn’t look too bad until you see that it scrolls to the right!!!

My symphaties Kit. I have had more than my share of awful clients that insist they know more about the internet and web-design than I do… I know exactly how you feel.

But hey, if they pay the bills…

That´s the spirit!

Just kiding:P

I can remember having the same problems with a client. They wanted something for a basket company they had and I came up some great designs.

We eneded up going with this puke green, terrible logo and pictures her daughter took. Needless to say I have NEVER added this site as a portfolio piece - it’s just that horrible. But she payed me and that’s what matters. They sign the pay cheque!

ok, it seems like churchill is an insuranse co. correct? THEN WHY IS THE WHOLE PAGE FULL OF DOG PRINTS?! omg, no offense but if i worked there i WOULD LAUGH at it. dont ebarass your self and make sure your name isnt on there!



I want to have a seizure just looking at it.

lol like that site with the furry eggs! lol.


mdipi is on tweak…give him time to make sense!

LOL :evil:

Yeah, because I don’t remember any site with Furry Eggs.

The Maddox site… Crappy Kids Art… and it was “Eggs that had ears” and a “Furry fire truck” just to clarify

yes!someone remembered!

Ok, furry fire truck I DO remember. And the eggs with ears.


well…they had ears! and if the ears where bunny ears then they WERE furry! hahaha!

Then thats furry eared eggs :stuck_out_tongue:

Kit, Im feeling the same kind of thing at work but in a less proactive manner ( i suppose)…
Heres what you got to do, Write a letter to her explaining your concerns, (like david said). You have to say something because if a manager is not doing their job right, its in your best interest and the interests of the company to get rid of the people and persons not doing the correct thing. You could also express your concerns to her bosses, and tell them this wont fly, and give them examples of good work and then bad work that shes making you do. As for fun and exciting, its great to have those elements, but we all can agree, that is not how most business is conducted. Its serious, strait forward. Nobody wants a “little kids” look when they go to buy a car lol

Those would be my suggestions, and if i missed someones comment and already mentioned this, i appologize hehe but i feel since you are part of the company (an employee) and you’re doing most of the work( all employees) you should voice your opinion somehow =) But be peacefull, if you approch it with demand and with hostility, then you wont go no where =).

Anyway, someone my philosphies based on the Book of Raydred. You can get the B.O.R at

JK =)
hehe =)

Hey Kit,
I know just how you feel. That is one of the reasons I completely stopped doing freelance work for other people. If it makes you feel any better, the worst site on the planet has to be:

Kirupa :evil:

I saw that through a link on spoono…LOL.

That is one of THE worst sites I have ever seen.

W00T New buttons are up!