[COLOR=darkblue]Nice site. The splash page is very nice, the preloader is fun, the colors look good… You probably spent too much time watching 2advanced, but it’s very well executed.[/COLOR]
Obviously 2advanced influenced, but the site is pretty smooth. Would be nice to see the designer try something new because this isn’t SOTW material.
[COLOR=darkblue]Way too 2A influenced. Very smooth, soothing colors, nice animation, and well executed, but the 2A look is played out.[/COLOR]
Text is way too fuzzy. This made the site very unpleasant to use.
[COLOR=darkblue]It’s taking forever to load… I had to reload to get it to work. The intro looks good, not great, but I couldn’t find a skip button. The site is well designed, but there’s a black square at the bottom and a link to download some sources (???), some transitions worked strangely (a line appears, disappears, then comes back to turn into a square), the contact buttons sent me to the portfolio section, and wow, there’s just too much text in the Services section. Good site anyway, with a clear navigation.[/COLOR]
The design is clean, but the loading time is way too long. Also it would be nice to have an option to skip the long intro. Nice try, but not SOTW material either.
[COLOR=darkblue]Please add a skip intro button, I really hate having to watch an intro EVERY time I go to a site. Also, there wasn’t much “Flash” influence on this. Some effects on the images on the side, and a little alpha sheet tweening down over the text, but overall it just seemed too HTMLish for me. It’s Flash, it’s supposed to stand out from HTML, utilize that power more :)[/COLOR]
Took forever to load. This is a good example of “just because you can make it move, doesn’t mean you should.” Opened in separate window for no reason. Should have just kept it simple.
[COLOR=darkblue]Which site am I supposed to critique? Interactive Studio V.2? Couldn’t find it, sorry.[/COLOR]
Some trendy graphics, but as for performance, it was really poor. Loading took forever and the layout took forever to load. It was like watching paint dry. The content is a bit messy on some parts as well, seems a bit unorganized.
[COLOR=darkblue]Yeah, I don’t know which one you wanted entered, and being you can only enter one at a time I chose the 5 seasons one, because the few word description sounded more like a site than the other “playground” one. For only a few Kb per section they took a VERY long time to load, and the preloader didn’t function properly, I don’t think… it only filled up like a centimeter of your bar. Not a big fan of Mystery Meat navigation either. The text in your gallery was very hard to see. Also, after a while of viewing your site, I noticed that when I clicked on your links, all the areas just stopped loading for me, all it showedwas the background. The graphics are nice, and the navigation is nice as well (besides being mystery meat navigation that is), but theres a few bugs… not to mention I am not even sure if this is the one I am supposed to be viewing.[/COLOR]
Took forever to load. gave up.
[COLOR=darkblue]Took me a while to understand what this site was about and what the sections were about, but I love it. Too bad the portfolio is empty.[/COLOR]
The design is trendy, I like the earth tone color scheme. Would be nice if the navigation was labeled with words instead of numbers. Even though it was well executed, it’s nothing new. Nice site, but not SOTW material.
[COLOR=darkblue]Ack, this custom cursor drove me NUTS. Its more mystery meat navigation too I love the color scheme, and the overall layout seems fine to me, I love the simplistic look. I voted hijynxxx, although it did have a few things I didn’t like too much, I still found it to be a very nice site, smooth transitions, I love the simplistic look, and I also love the brown look.[/COLOR]
Way too tall of design. Mouse cursor is tacky. Transitions should only be 3-5 sec max.