Manga & anime

Since I was a kid, I’m watching anime. My favourite was DragonBall and I bought the whole manga collection a year or two ago. Actually I was so obsessed with DragonBall that the others were kind of left behind. I remember loving the “Nicky Larson” character as well. I believe the manga is called “City Hunter” or something.
Today I bought the Akira DVD to catch up. It’s considered as a “must-see movie” for anime freaks, so that’s what I’m gonna do tonight. I surfed the web a bit, and found out that “Evangelion” and “Trigun” were also very popular. Is it any good? What other manga do you recommend? I’m more into cool, tough characters then Sailor Moon girls… I don’t want “Gundam Wing” stuff either, I thought the anime was total crap. It’s the same boring stuff all the time.
I’m looking for something special, cool and with a story in it.
So, where are the manga and anime freaks here? :beam:

Cowboy Bebop is amazing. It has the best art and storyline I’ve ever seen in an anime. I don’t like the cowboy bebop manga however.

I’ve always been a dragonballl z fan, though not so much anymore. I used to collect things, and watch the show, and now I just have some of what I collected (a binder of stickers) and some memories of the show they re-ran more than anything I’ve ever seen in my life.

My love for DBZ was re-ignited on YTV’s DBZ Movie Marathon, which basically showed all of the best DBZ movies in one night until like 3 am. That was fantastic. All dubbed, all with rediculously good soundtracks.

Yeah. sighs happily

And I agree, Gundam//Escaflowne//every single other mech-oriented anime just sucks. If they’d stuck with just one, the original, it may have kept that unique shine, but it got out of hand.

Well, I don’t like DragonBall (but my sisters watches it everyday :slight_smile: ), but I love the Simpsons and South Park =)

*Originally posted by Lynx *
**Well, I don’t like DragonBall (but my sisters watches it everyday :slight_smile: ), but I love the Simpsons and South Park =) **

…which are no anime. :wink:

I think the concept behind mech animes is really good, but the actual ones just kinda suck. I love the idea of giant robots pummeling eachother into oblivion. If they had like DBZ with mechs it would be pretty cool.

On the note of DBZ, I used to be super obsessed with that show. It’s the whole reason I got into art and stuff, I wanted to draw DBZ characters, so I got into drawing and got pretty good at it, then I wanted to make DBZ webpages so I got into photoshop and Dreamweaver. It started it all for me, but I don’t like the show as much anymore… I haven’t watched it on Cartoon Network for a while. I own a few of the movies and a retardedly huge amount of the cards. I wanna see DBGT though…

me too, I’ve been waiting for DBGT for like… ever.

And I bought some of those card game cards, LoL. I sold them off, but I did have the tech foil of trunks and all his forms! WOO!

I’m sure cartoon network will snatch up the GT rights eventually.

I don’t watch it anymore, but if GT did start running, I’d be there.

Well, I guess i’m not anime lover =) :stuck_out_tongue: Oh, I got two friends who
are maniacs. They know everything about every person in DragonBal.
It’s kinda strange lookin at those guys whatchin that show.

I heard a while ago that Cartoon Network already has the rights to GT… I think they are gonna air it sometimes towards the end of the year or something… but leave it to Cartoon Network to delay it by like 6 years. Have they started airing the final saga to Z yet?

has anyone seen the film metropolis. beautiful backgrounds.

isn’t that a 1931 movie or something? lmao. Anime is in color, for one, and it’s <i>anim</i>ated, for two.

Ghost in the Shell & Wind ninja Chronicles, also known as Ninja Scroll. As well as Vampire Hunter D not too mention the Gatchaman series from the 90’s and the televised stuff (Battle of the Planets)from the early 80’s.
All the stuff above are excellent examples of Anime at its finest , Alot of folks really like Princess Mononoke as well.
Mind you this stuff is more mature than Dragon BallZ but I think you might find
them interesting none the less.

Yeah, I heard about Ghost In The Shell… I will check this film out one day. In the meantime, I watched Akira, which I think is very well made. I don’t get the very last part of the story 100%, it’s kind of confusing with Akira coming back and taking Tetsuo and all. Anyway, I’m glad I bought it, this anime film has some “grandeur” in it.

Ghost in the Shell is awesome.
Akira is great
Dragonball rocks…
I love TRIGUN!
Cowboy Bebop roXors your boXors
And Wild Arms is looking **** good!

~ playamarz

It’s been a long time since I watched any Japanese anime, but these are my favorites:

  1. Akira
  2. Bubble Gum Crisis
  3. Ninja Scroll
  4. Street Fighter 2 Series
  5. Golden Boy
  6. Guyver


*Originally posted by playamarz *
**Ghost in the Shell is awesome.
Akira is great
Dragonball rocks…
I love TRIGUN!

Trigun… hm… is it a manga as well? Or just anime series? That Vash guy is certainly looking cool. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by electrongeek *

  1. Bubble Gum Crisis

Hm… this does ring a bell, but I’m not sure where. :wink:

short lived but really cool was The Battle Arena Toshinden-2 episode movie, characters based on the original playstation game .
Probably my favorite fighting game of all time . …Sweet moves.
Mondo Rocks!!!

DBGT has already been made in english, being released next month i think or sommet like that. But you can already download the episodes for evaluation purposes :P. They changed all the voices from dbz though and goku just didnt sound rite to me :(, so i prefer the subtitled japanese version.

But if neone plays counter strike/Halflife there a new dbz mod out for it where u have 2 teams and have to fight each other or collect db’s using ur fave chars etc :D. It pretty cool especially when u have two full powered kamehameha’s hitting each other and u gotta see who over powers who :D. It even has all the transformations like ssj2 or buus transformations which look and sound class. It still beta now but it has all the sound effects from the show and u can fight in places like kamis lookout.

Lol neway back to the subject, Dbz my fave anime and i thought gundam was quite good, aint really seen many others apart from tenchi which i wernt a big fan of