Anyone watch Trigun?!

This is one of the animes I watch… I don’t watch that many…

Trigun, Cowboy Bebop and X One… All good animes… I don’t like those cartoon network spoof animes though… Blah… And I never really got into the Dragon Ball Z series… Original Dragon Ball was pretty cool though…

But yeah… Vash the Stampede kicks arse!

Nope, don’t watch Trigun. Never saw it so I don’t know if I like it. I got into both DB and DBZ.

Although they did play an Anime on cable the other day, I believe it was called <I>Metropolis</I>, it was incredible. The animation was stunning.


I’d highly suggets Trigun man…

Just go out and rent the first dvd and watch it;…

I bet you’ll wanna go out and buy the entire 26 episode set thats out… 26? Maybe 24… Not sure… But it’s across like 6 dvd’s…

The animation and storyline in it is incredible… And it’s downright funny at times too… It’s a great anime!

Hmm, I might check that out some time. Unfortunately I live with 2 of my sisters, both who hate Animes with a passion, so I have to watch it when they aren’t here.

Also, you might want to check out <I>Metropolis</I>, I enjoyed it :slight_smile:

Cool man… I’ll definet do that… You knwo though… They might actually like this one…

It doesn’t have those corny qualities of animes like some do… They might atcually like to watch this one… Especcially if they like comedy… hehe

I’ll check out Trigun, if it sucks then I’m gonna sue you Marlin! :scream:


Speed Racer definetly counts… hehe…

That toon rocked :slight_smile:

And you can’t sue me… I’ll just sue you back… For… Making me spill my coffee on myself while you were suing me!

YEAH TAKE THAT! :slight_smile:

Oh hell yea, Speed Racer is so cool. :stuck_out_tongue:

And Marlin, you spilled coffee on yourself? Ha Ha! said like Nelson

Shut up dammit…

I’m still really not awake… And I went to take a sip… And it was still an inch away form my ■■■■ lip…

Ugh… I hate the first couple hours after I wake up…

Groggy as all hell.