Masking problem


I made a mask animation. De mask (animated) slides aways and you will see the image.

BUT if a set the stop(); function my animation will stop (good) but my images is gone (BAD)!!

So what can i do??

buy, buy more now

I have little idea what you are blabbering about.

you mean it disappears, it goes off screen what?

I can only assume stop reset the animation

[quote=randomagain;2340068]buy, buy more now

I have little idea what you are blabbering about.

you mean it disappears, it goes off screen what?

I can only assume stop reset the animation[/quote]

I want to stop the animation from my mask en display the picture.

I can only suggest that you google “mask” in flash and try to find a unMask control I am sure there is one

without a fla/swf, or greater detail, we are all waisting our time

[quote=randomagain;2340088]I can only suggest that you google “mask” in flash and try to find a unMask control I am sure there is one

without a fla/swf, or greater detail, we are all waisting our time[/quote]

Yes i googled.

But here is the link with my swf

post the code…

screen cap the timeline

give me something to work with

[quote=randomagain;2340100]post the code…

screen cap the timeline

give me something to work with[/quote]

sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is the rar

the effect you have I like lol :stare:

its fairly simple from the looks of things you are animating the mask in to the “on” position

then throwing it back to off

try not to put code and items on the level on the time line

also I can’t see any stop() command

press f6 and place the stop() command in there near the end of the animation

I guess you want it to play once then stop…

i assume

In the “priegelmov” clip, frame 67, the mask simply doesn’t cover the image; plus there’s no script to stop the clip, so it shows all over the same empty frame…You might wanna stop the clip at frame 65.

Too late…As usual.

if the above works, one thing is that the end of the image looks chopped off…

True. But that is easily done, adjusting the mask image.
I’ve tried to stop the clip at frame 65 and it works, so if MadCobra works a little on the mask image, it’s done.

[quote=Rik81;2340129]True. But that is easily done, adjusting the mask image.
I’ve tried to stop the clip at frame 65 and it works, so if MadCobra works a little on the mask image, it’s done.[/quote]

THank you!!! DONE!!!

and could you please help me with my loading the picture? i want a fade in effect, but it’s not working.

what’s the problem with that?

Well, I’m not sure about that, but if you use a tween* in the clip you wanna load, and you put the tween at the beginning of your clip, when it gets loaded it should fade in, I guess…Try it!

  • You set the alpha to 0% in the first keyframe of the tween, and to 100% in the last one.

I’n not so sure about that, but you could create a tween* in the clip you wanna load. You put the tween at the beginning of your clip, and when it’s loaded, it should fade in!

*Using alpha: in the first keyframe set the value of alpha to 0%, in the last one to 100%.

Probably the whole thing can be achieved with actionscript, but since you’re not a programmer (neither am I…), this could work!

…Whops, I messed with posts…

[quote=Rik81;2341240]I’n not so sure about that, but you could create a tween* in the clip you wanna load. You put the tween at the beginning of your clip, and when it’s loaded, it should fade in!

*Using alpha: in the first keyframe set the value of alpha to 0%, in the last one to 100%.

Probably the whole thing can be achieved with actionscript, but since you’re not a programmer (neither am I…), this could work![/quote]

Thath’s the problem i nedd to load it with actionscript. I’m an video animator not a programmer. Spmeone suggested a tween class. but i never worked with that. I gogled but…

Maybe you know it, but there’s a tutorial here on Kirupa:

With the tween class, you can set different parameters…


erm rik81 is that you doing a thumbs up or picking your nose:P

Geez, I completely messed up…I thought I was in another topic, “linking an external swf”…So I was figuring a different situation…Well, I’m hopeless…
Madcobra, which image do you want to fade in? Be patient with me, and speak veeery slowly…

I found IT!

But maybe u van help me:

import mx.transitions.Transition;
import mx.transitions.TransitionManager;
class mx.transitions.Fade extends Transition {
#include ""
public var type:Object = Fade;
public var className:String = “Fade”;
private var _alphaFinal:Number,3;

function Fade (content:MovieClip, transParams:Object, manager:TransitionManager) {
this.init (content, transParams, manager);
function init (content:MovieClip, transParams:Object, manager:TransitionManager):Void {
super.init (content, transParams, manager);
this._alphaFinal = this.manager.contentAppearance._alpha;

private function _render (p:Number):Void {
this._content._alpha = this._alphaFinal * p;

This is the fade tween class… where do i need to fix it?