
Hi! I posted some questions in a different part of the forum about a menu I came upon (the top of ) . The great guy who answered my questions said that how they got the words to look like it was animated scripting was to use masks. Now, I hadnt made Flash files in a few months and did have a hang of some basic masking functions, but last night refreshing my memory, all i could design was a mask spotlight type thing or the basic text with a moving image inside it type of thing. Does anyone know just how to set up a mask or if there’s a tutorial that would let me do the basics of the animated text in the link’s menu above? The other thing i cant figure out is in using the mask, how do you get it, that once it reveals parts of what you’re wanting it to reveal, that those parts STAY revealed. I hope im making some sort of sense! Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!

If you have not noticed, in that thread you refer to, I´ve posted a fla about the mask thing on requesting from Ilyas and you.

Go back there and check it out. If you don´t understand come back here and ask your question. I´ll be checking this thread to see if you need any help.


Hi again! Yes, of course i saw the FLA and have tried downloading it but everytime i do and try and open it, the Flash program i have (Macromedia Flash 5) isnt able to open it for some reason unfortunately! Says something like bad file format or something to that effect. Any other ideas, as i’d love to learn this and all your help has been greatly appreciated!!


that is because it is in MX…

d/l a trial version of MX, then open with it, look at how it is done, then do it in Flash 5… Once something is opened in MX, then tested/saved, then Flash 5 will not open it… no matter how it is saved…


Thanks very much! I was thinking that might have been the reason, but wasnt sure! I should cave and get the newer version of Flash anyway, but at least the trial version will let me learn what im trying to do in the meantime (meaning its gonna be a bit before i can afford it and i need to learn this idea soon!) Thanks very much!!

I know what you mean, but you are going to have to upgrade eventually…

I’ve gone through 4 versions of Flash, in a little under 5 years…

It’s part of the world of the web…


MX really is the best of the best anyway. What 5.0 was to 4.0… MX is a thousand times that. :slight_smile:

I agree David…

I just hate to have to upgrade, and spend $$$…

I’m cheap…
