Maxtrix Revolution (Plot Spoiler)

Hey, I’m way too inpatient to wait for the last installment of the Matrix to come out, is it like X-men, where the plot is already out (comics)? If so, I’m curious.:thumb:


youll just have to wait
its very hush hush

the animatrix can help with the crave, as can the game as its very plot oriented

I don’t really get what animatrix is…i know it’s some kind of cartoon, but no clue where to see them.

you can download 4 at though there are 9 total - all of which will be available on DVD next month sometime … the 2nd? I could be wrong

the animatrix dvd?

you know, those round cd-looking things that play movies in DVD players?

lol…yea…i just finished downloading all four…very exicited about the actual dvd…can’t wait…:slight_smile:

wooo i’ve been really curious as to when it’s comin out lately… thanks for lettin us know sen =)

I was wrong! its the 3rd :wink:

That CGI Animatrix episode looks very good. There’s a QuickTime preview on the soundtrack. Awesome soundtrack too.

wasn’t the CGI one done by “Square Pictures”, the team responsible for the Final Fantasy movie?

the Animation is awesome , i’d actually love it if they made an animated series out of the Matrix, (continue with Animatrix) its just awesome… i love Anime…

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**wasn’t the CGI one done by “Square Pictures”, the team responsible for the Final Fantasy movie? **

Heh! I’m not sure, but that’s what I thought when I saw the preview. The black dude and the lady in the space ship reminds me of Final Fantasy, yes.

yeah, it was done by the same people who did the Final Fantasy movie