Muhahahaha! The first episode of THE ANIMATRIX has came out this month! And it’s soooooooo killer!! :beam: Anyone who respects the matrix must see it! Oh god I can’t wait for the next episodes!!! :crazy:
For those who don’t know, 2003 is going to be The Year of The Matrix! This month the first episode of The Animatrix came out and every month another episode will come out until the forth one, which afterwards they will release all the nine episodes on DVD! On May or June The Matrix: Reloaded (Matrix 2) will come out together with a whole computer game about The Matrix, and six months later The Matrix: Revolutions (Matrix 3) will be in theaters!!
yeah I downloaded it the other day. The ‘nudity’ scene was actually one of the best done scenes I thought. Very pretty animation. I plan to get the DVD when it comes out.
I can’t wait for the one that the dudes at Final Fantasy do.
When i saw the trailer originally I instantly knew it was Squaresoft, as did many. THAT one looks fantastic.
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