im wondering could you be a game designer with maya 3d
try each
I tried both
and i think im going to go with maya
[ot]:lol: @ danulf badmonur, where’d you go? you forgot the contest;)[/ot]
Both applications do very well. The only aspect you should consider is which one you are more comfortable with because either one you need to spend time, a lot of time.
I wonder now with alias and maya under discreet’s arm if this question with soon be obsolete?
This is going to be fun to watch . . . like Ford buying Jaguar . . :hugegrin:
“used parts . . plastics pieces”
I would go for Maya . . . tackle the learning curve, and everything else will be easy.
does maya come with a good built in renderer? I know older versions of 3ds seemed to require third party renders for quality renders, or some sort of gay trick.
^ most def. Maya’s default renderer is pretty good when you can adjust it right, and maya 7 also comes with mental ray 3.2 and a vector rending engine used in swit3d v3.
Mental ray is the shizzle! I"ll grab some renders from the net soon.
:lol: . . . . . sorry . . . .
Now this is some host yet really simple rendering in maya with mental ray
Brazil and Maxwell can be used with 3ds and give kick-*** rendering.
In my school it’s divided 50/50 and we don’t get to choose our app at the beginning of the year (next year for me). But the movies are mostly good in either case !
Sorry for link dumping…
sweet finds