3d User's help needed

I think i just need some help, i currently am in high school, and i have a huge desire to do 3d art/animation. And i need someone to recommend a good 3d program. I want to be able to start out basic, but get complicated from there. I have learned Maya once, and it was not difficult (the basic stuff). But i do not know if 3ds max or A:M is better. it would be awesome if someone could recommend a good program for beginners that can be very advanced in the future. thank you.
here i have a couple of the prices. (these are academic versions)
Maya Complete 7 Student Bundle = $289.95
Maya Unlimited 7 Student Bundle = $379.95 (little high)
3ds max 8 = $389.95 (little higher)
Animation master(commercial) = $300.00
Cinema 4D R9.5 XL Bundle = $489.95 (high)
the rest are here.
I do know there is a list of 3d programs in the stickied thread, but im trying to get a users review sort of thing.